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What is the purpose of this plan?Rutherford County's Comprehensive Plan will provide an overall vision for the community, especially as it relates to changes that will impact its current and future residents and businesses. The plan will address land use, economic opportunity, housing, transportation systems, the environment, historic preservation and more. Comprehensive plans usually identify goals & objectives and include strategies that can be implemented to achieve those goals. The county's plan will include these elements while providing flexibility to accommodate unforeseen changes or unexpected opportunities.
Why is this plan being done now?Like the rest of Middle Tennessee, Rutherford County is changing rapidly. The county's last Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2011. Having an up-to-date Comprehensive Plan is critical to help manage ongoing growth while protecting the county's, character, and quality of life.
Whose plan is it and who will use it?The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document that county departments, agencies, residents, employers, developers, and other stakeholders will use to ensure that Rutherford County evolves in line with the collective vision it creates for itself. For example, the Rutherford County Planning and Engineering Department will use the Plan to evaluate new development proposals and locations for new roads, bridges, sidewalks, greenways and bike paths. The Utility District can use the Plan to help continue its proactive approach to expanding services while still providing some of the lowest rates in the region. Most importantly, the community can use the plan to hold county leadership responsible for achieving the goals and objectives it includes based on everyone’s input.
Have similar plans been used across the region?Yes. It is common for cities and counties across the region to have a plan that directs growth and development and to help prepare for infrastructure investments. These plans are usually updated every 10 to 15 years to account for shifts in market trends, community prefrences, and fiscal realities of public sources of funding.
When will the plan be completed and who approves it?The Comprehensive Plan is expected to be completed by early 2023. The Rutherford County Planning Commission will have the opportunity to review and formally approve the plan, along with the County Commission. That approval process will include formal public hearings to gather input prior to approval, but there will be many other opportunities for the public to participate and help shape the plan as it is being developed.
What if I don't live in Rutherford County? Can I still participate?Yes! The the community includes people that don’t necessarily live within the county boundaries - employees, business owners, landowners and others. If you have an interest in the future of Rutherford County, we want you to be involved in the planning process.
What is the role of GNRC in this process?The Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) is working as a consultant to Rutherford County Government as it updates its Comprehensive Plan. GNRC is a regional council of governments representing 13 counties in Middle Tennessee and is responsible for bringing together cities and counties, state agencies, and the public to plan for growth and development across the mid-state. GNRC employs professional planners, research analysts, and policy experts who serve at the pleasure of its local communities.
How do I participate?The best way to share your ideas is to participate in public meetings and workshops and to visit the project website often. The website will be updated throughout the process, so bookmark this site or create a shortcut and check back for new information. Also, several surveys will be conducted during the process- you can find the survey here. Also, if you think your church group, neighborhood association, homeowner association or other civic group or club would benefit from a presentation, please contact us at and we can make arrangements to visit with your group.
How will the county make sure they hear from as many people as possible?The planning team is conducting outreach with assistance from local leaders and organizations that serve all of Rutherford County. It is our goal to reach as many people as possible and gather feedback to shape the Plan as it is being developed. There will be several rounds of public meetings and workshops, family-friendly activities and events, and online tools to help people share their own ideas and their reactions to the ideas that emerge from the process.
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